Sunday 23 March 2008


I love that Araya. Still. Check them.



Anonymous said...

ha, i paid 720$, instead of 980$ for my new panasonic frame. doesn't include the horrendous shipping-costs and the flight to japan, of course. imho 980$, even though panasonic raised the price, is quite expensive. then again, this guy gotta life from something.

® said...

good buy :) been raining huh? the weather here is horrendous. it's either too hot or too wet. both suxx for riding.

Anonymous said...

it's pretty bad. i cannot remember easter-holidays with snowfall, but it started snowing two days ago, and actually stays on the ground. weird weather. looking forward to spring!

where are you at? actually kuala lumpur, or what? o.O

® said...

Kuala Lumpur it is. Normally during Mar-Apr it's fine but now when it's sunny it burns and very humid unless i get up real early. Evening will be pouring as usual. Hopefully it will be better. Soon.

® said...

Or if I can find a shaded open spot or parking lot nearby in which it'll be tough.

Anonymous said...

oh man, yeah i had forgotten about the daily pouring in equatorial/tropical areas of the world.

® said...

it suxx :(