Friday 14 December 2007


You know what, you know that...
He got a fixie and stuff...
though I do agree with most of yous
the more we go on... the hotter this topic will be
and it will only benefit him...

so let's hush, sit back, relax and watch...
maybe it'll turn out like that WANK moment
he made on MTV ... HAHA! JUSTICE LIVES!!!



Anonymous said...

got point. nice blog, started reading it a while ago!

® said...

thanks alex. will be reading yours later tonight. i've been ranting it out with my friends [am sure all us of did too] about how some big names might tag FG as labels to being cool,seen or whatever it is for the sake of selling themselves... BAM! we have one already...

No conclusion[s] about it but to those that are true or want to be true, they will stick to it through thick or thin and will keep pedaling with or without the hype... we all know hype=death...

enuff of me yapping! ;P